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Adapted to current regulations and personalized for each user

Plataforma de denuncias para empresas

For the user

Each user mayaccess the whistleblowing channel anonymouslyeitherconfidential. Hisinformation will be protected and neither the company nor we will have access to your personal data.

The platform will guide the complainant throughout the process, indicating which fields to fill in and with what information. In addition, each user canAttach the material you deem appropriate to each complaintsuch as video, image or sound files.

The whistleblower will receive notification every timethat your complaint changes status

Plataforma de denuncias para gestorías

For the administrator

Once the user has made the complaint,This will automatically reach the manager designated by the company or the administrator.

The administrator will have aComplete view of all unprocessed, active and resolved cases, as well as their assigned managers. In addition, you canestablish entry channels for collaborating agents of the company, such as customers or suppliers.

If the administrator has an external service for the management of registered complaints, he mayderive them automatically to the designated recipient.

Partner platform

The partner mayadapt the platform and its interface to the needs of your organization or those of your customers. In addition, you will havea control panel through which to manage all companies of your clients from a single site. 


Canal de denuncias para empresas
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